权威、领导力与权力 ― 全球视野下的牺牲与丧失
Authority, Leadership and Power - Sacrifice and Loss in a Shared World
2024年10月1日-5日 · 中国 · 线上 · 中英双语
1-5 October 2024 · China · Online · English-Chinese
Nuwa Patching the Sky
A Tale of Leadership
A Tale of Sacrifice
A Tale of Loss
Trojan Horse
A Tale of Authority and Power
The Great Wall
A Tale of a Shared World
The Tower of Babel
A Tale of Authority
The Terra Cotta Warriors
A Tale of Power
To sacrifice is to give up something of value for an ideal, belief, or end. This bilingual group relations conference is occurring in a context of sacrifice and loss in a multi-cultural world. We sacrifice comfort and lose meanings when we cannot use our mother tongue to communicate with the other. Our sacrifices to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 have led to social loss and loss of trust in government. Climate change calls us to sacrifice our dependency on fossil fuels if we are to sustain the life we know on our planet. Artificial intelligence is leading to the loss of employment for many people. Who will be sacrificed on AI’s altar? Demands for justice, equality, and dignity, in a shared world with limited resources, require sacrifice and loss, freely chosen or imposed, if we are to live together peacefully.
Cultures differ in their orientations to sacrifice and loss. Sacrifice may be imposed from the outside. Sacrifice may be voluntary and motivated internally by moral and ethical principles. For some, sacrifice is viewed as the province of suckers and losers and as a marker of inferiority and weakness. For others, sacrifice is viewed as reflecting the spiritual strength of caring about others as much as one’s own self. One culture may respond to loss with retaliatory rage for perceived insult to an entitled, omnipotent sense of itself. Another culture may respond to loss with grief and the acceptance of limitations to its abilities to dominate and control.
Authority, leadership, and power dynamics are central to how we meet the threat of loss. The importance of leadership is apparent from observing the intense competition for authority and power in our world. Authoritarian political systems are competing with democratic systems. Nationalistic and religious groups, often led by demagogues, are competing for dominance over minorities. Leaders of racial supremacist, colonialist, and patriarchal ideologies are fighting to sustain entrenched power relationships.
Given these challenges, can we hope and work for ethical leadership that considers the human needs of the wider society and our shared world? Can we be more conscious about choosing our leadership models? What desires, ambitions, and comforts might leaders, authorities, and followers sacrifice if we are to flourish? What can happen if leaders sacrifice the desire to always be right and never questioned? What happens if leaders sacrifice power as the source of their authority and rely on honesty and truth as the basis for their authority? What happens if followers sacrifice the safety of dependency and instead take responsibility to speak about their experience and needs? Can the repair of accumulated, historical trauma occur if leaders and followers sacrifice the comfort of righteous grievance and, instead, open themselves to the feelings of grief, shame, and humility that follow recognition of complicity in perpetuating harm?
This conference’s leadership invites you to examine questions of sacrifice and loss associated with how authority, leadership, and power are exercised in our shared world. Our intention is to explore these dynamics with you as they unfold in our work together during the conference. There are many differences among us - real and imagined, hidden and apparent, named and unnamed. There are differences in our proficiencies to use different languages. All these differences will offer us opportunities to study whose voices and what parts of ourselves are sacrificed and lost, intentionally and unintentionally, and toward what purpose and end, around the roles of leadership and followership.
From Raymond Bakaitis
Conference Director
About conference
什么是团体关系? What is Group Relations?
什么是团体关系会议? What is a Group Relations Conference?
活动 Events
任务和语言 Task and Language
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会后回顾 Post-Conference Review
工作人员 STAFF
Director and Consultant
Raymond Bakaitis, PhD
雷蒙德·巴凯蒂斯 博士
Dr. Raymond Bakaitis is a clinical psychologist practicing in Los Angeles, California. He is the current President of the A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems (AKRI). He is a co-creator of International Group Relations China (IGRC). He is a member of the Lithuanian Group Relations Society. He is a Past-President of the Los Angeles County Psychological Association. Ray is interested in the application of group relations learning to actively address the challenges of Inequality, violence, and climate change confronting all of us in our shared world.
雷蒙德·巴凯蒂斯是加利福尼亚州洛杉矶执业心理治疗师;A. K.莱斯社会系统研究所现任主席;团体关系中国与世界(IGRC)的共创者;立陶宛团体关系协会的成员;洛杉矶心理协会前任主席。雷对应用团体关系学习来积极应对我们共同世界中面临的挑战感兴趣。
Associate Director and Consultant
刘瑾 博士
Jin Liu, PhD
北京大学心理学博士;个人执业精神分析取向个体咨询师、团体咨询师,中国心理学会注册系统心理师。2014年起,参与塔维斯托克模式团体关系相关工作,完成中国心理卫生协会团体专委会(DGCGT of CAMH)举办的团体关系会议顾问系列培训。在数次团体关系会议中历任文化翻译、受训顾问、顾问、会中行政助理主任、大型学习团体顾问组长等角色。2022年作为主任组织了2次团体关系模式的体验活动,是2022年中国与世界团体关系会议顾问及机构活动召集人。
PhD in Psychology from Peking University; psychoanalytic therapist in private practice for individual and group therapy. Registered Psychologist of Chinese Psychology Society. She has participated in Group Relations work in the Tavistock tradition since 2014 and has completed a series of trainings for consultants organized by the Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy (DGCGT) of the Chinese Association of Mental Health (CAMH). In Group Relations conferences, she has worked as cultural interpreter, consultant in training, consultant, assistant director of administration, and Large Study Group consultant team leader. In 2022, she directed two experiential Group Relations events, and was the consultant and IE convenor of the 2022 "China and the World" GRC.
Co-Assistant Director for Administration
刘果 医学博士
Guo Liu, MD
精神科医生,音乐想象治疗师。毕业于中国医科大学精神病与精神卫生学专业。团体关系中国与世界(IGRC)的共创者。分别于 2016年、2021年、2022年和2023年四次作为成员参加GRC。
Guo is a psychiatrist and music imagery therapist. She earned her MD in psychiatry from the China Medical University. She is a co-creator of International Group Relations China (IGRC). She has participated in GRCs as a member in 2016, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Co-Assistant Director for Administration
Ihan Anita Ip, PhD
葉亦航 博士
Ihan AnitaIp earned her PhD in leadership studies from the University of San Diego, USA. Her work explores how music may be used in leadership through collaborative inquiry. At USD she also serves as program coordinator, lecturer, coach and facilitator. Her family lives in Taiwan, she grew up in Germany, and she has lived in California for over 20 years. She is deeply interested in integrating our global complexities so that we may approach each other with openness and curiosity. Her group relations experience include multiple conferences as member and staff, and as an instructor at USD. She is a co-creator of Group Relations International, Member of GREX and of the A.K. Rice Institute.
Assistant Director for Cultural Interpretation
杨一荷 博士
Yihe Yang, PhD
杨一荷在圣地亚哥大学领导与教育科学学院获得领导力研究博士学位,专攻组织发展咨询与教练。她的研究兴趣主要集中在跨文化领导力和组织变革方面。作为圣地亚哥大学的讲师,她在领导力发展和教练方面拥有全面的教学和促进经验。一荷是Group Relations International的共同创建人,同时也是A.K. Rice Institute的成员。她有过多次团体关系大会的受训顾问、顾问和行政人员的实践经验;在2023年,她担任中国与世界团体关系会议文化翻译团队的负责人。
Yihe Yang holds a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies from the School of Leadership and Education Sciences at the University of San Diego, specializing in Organizational Development Consulting and Coaching. Her research interests primarily focus on intercultural leadership and organizational change. As a lecturer at USD, she has comprehensive teaching and facilitating experience in leadership development and coaching. Yihe is a co-creator of Group Relations International and a member of the A.K. Rice Institute. She has served multiple times as a consultant in training, consultant, and administrative staff for group relations conferences; in 2023, she served as the head of the Cultural Interpreter Team for the China and World Group Relations Conference.
Matías Sanfuentes, PhD
马蒂亚斯·桑富恩特斯 博士
Dr. Matías Sanfuentes. (PhD) in psychoanalytic studies, University of Essex, UK. He is an Associate Professor and academic director of the master’s in Organizational Dynamics at the School of Business, University of Chile. He is a psychodynamic psychotherapist and organizational consultant. His research interests include leadership, organizational change, gender studies, organizational culture and identity, and the psychoanalytic study of organizations. He is an Associate Researcher Centre for Social Conflict and Cohesion Studies (COES) and Organisational & Social Dynamics journal Editor in Chief. He has 20 years of experience as a consultant and Director of group relations conferences in South America, UK, and Australia.
塔尔·阿隆Master Degree major in Psychology from Tel Aviv University; Lecturer in Tel Aviv University, Organizational Dynamics and Leadership Consultant, Group facilitator and private practice, Individual and group supervision, A management member of OFEK Group Relations – Organization. Person. Group; Senior Consultant in Zofnat Institute for Organizational Consulting, Development, and Research; A member of Motus In Avanti Committee, Former Chairwoman of Besod Siach (Promotion of dialogue between conflict groups, Tavistock GR Model); Former Chairwoman of The Israeli Association of Group Psychotherapy.
特拉维夫大学心理学专业硕士学位;特拉维夫大学讲师,组织动力和领导力顾问,团体辅导员和私人执业,个体和团体督导,OFEK团体关系-组织、个体、团体的管理成员。Zofnat组织咨询、发展与研究所高级顾问;Motus In Avanti委员会成员,Besod Siach前主席(促进冲突团体之间的对话,塔维斯托克团体关系模式);以色列团体心理治疗协会前主席。
Tingli Zhou
中国心理学会注册系统心理师,团体咨询师,2014年至今,参与塔维斯托克模式团体关系相关工作,完成中国心理卫生协会团体专委会(DGCGTOfCAMH)举办的团体关系会议顾问系列培训,接受以色列及团体关系国际和AK 莱斯组织的团体关系小团体顾问、大团体顾问和主任培训。在中国、美国、以色列以及线上团体关系会议中历任成员、受训顾问、顾问、大型学习团体顾问组长、顾问培训师等角色。2022—2024连续三年年作为主任组织开展线上长程大型学习团体体验活动。团体关系国际联合创始人。LiveinGroup 创始人。社会梦场国际网络认证主持人。纽约中心社会梦场主持人。
Registered Psychologist of Chinese Psychology Society. She has participated in Group Relations work in the Tavistock tradition since 2014 and has completed a series of trainings for consultants organized by the Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy (DGCGT) of the Chinese Association of Mental Health (CAMH). She has had the training in group relations as a small study group consultant, large study group consultant and director in training organized by Israel, Group Relations International and AKRI. She has served as a member, consultant-in-training, consultant, head of large study group consultant team, consultant’s trainer in China, United States, Israel and online group relations conferences. From 2022 to 2024, she has had organized online long-term large study group program as the director for three years. Co-founder of Group Relations International. Founder of LiveinGroup. Certified Social Dream Matrix host of social dreaming International Network. Social dreaming matrix host of the New York Center.
杨崑 博士
William Kuhn Young, PhD
杨崑博士是一名高管教练和组织发展顾问。他的任职经历包括:壹念教练机构创始合伙人;全球著名HR咨询公司;MBTI 认证机构;纳斯达克上市高科技企业等。作为一名塔维斯托克认证 GRC 顾问,他曾担任塔维斯托克GRC机构间/小型学习团体顾问,以及近十场GRC工作坊主任。他在英国谢菲尔德大学获得工业与组织心理学博士学位,并担任中科院心理所硕士导师,马里兰大学 EMBA 项目领导力教练。他致力于组织动力研究,并著有《组织动力》等著作,助力中国企业和领导者纵深发展、敏捷成长。
Dr. William Kuhn Young is an Executive Coach & Organization Development Consultant. He is a founding partner for Everyone Coach Ltd. and worked for the 1st ranked HR consulting firm, a MBTI Certification company and a NASDQ listed high-tech company. As a Tavistock certified GRC consultant, He worked as IE and SSG consultant in Tavistock GRCs,and directed nearly ten GRC style workshops in China. William earned his PhD in industrial and organizational psychology from The University of Sheffield, UK. He is a master supervisor of The Psychology Institute inChinese Academy of Sciences, and a leadership coach for EMBA programme of The University of Maryland. As the author of Organization Dynamics, he endeavors to support vertical development and agile growth for China’s business leaders and organizations, by employing system psychodynamics approach.
王旭梅 医学博士
Xumei Wang, MD; PhD
Director of the Psychiatry Department and Doctoral Supervisor at Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University. Psychodynamic Psychotherapist; Registration System Supervisor (D-21-47); Fellow of the Association for Music & Imagery; GRC consultant of AKRI; Director of IGRC (http://igrc.org.cn); Member of AKRI's Board of Directors; Convener of International Cohort of AKRI; Co-Creator of GRI; Member of New York Center of Study Organization and Society (NYC); Member of International Society for the Psychodynamic Study of Organizations (ISPSO).
Yin-Jen Lu (Ian Lu), MEd, Counseling psychologist
Member of 2016 Hong Kong Group Relations Conference, OFEK 30 International Group Relations Conference. Small study group trainee of OFEK 31 International Group Relations Conference Advance Training Group. Large study group trainee of Group Relations Consultant Training in China. Assistant Director of Administration of the Inaugural Taiwan Group Relations Conference in 2018. Small study group consultant of online Taiwan Group Relations Conference in 2021 and 2023. Chinese Association of Group Psychotherapy Group Relations workshop consultant.
Michelle S. May, DLitt et Phil
米歇尔 S. 梅 法学博士; 文学博士
Professor: Department of Industrial & Organisational Psychology, Programme manager: Doctorate in Consulting Psychology (University of South Africa). I have consulted in international Group Relations Conferences (GRCs) in Boston, Chicago and New York (AK Rice Institute), the Leicester Conference (Tavistock Institute, UK; 2015 and 2016) and the Netherlands. I directed the Robben Island Diversity Experience (RIDE) from 2002 until 2014. I was part of staff of the Group Relations workshops at UNISA from 2000 to 2014, taking up the role of Director of Research (2010 - 2012). I was part of consultancy staff to GRCs hosted by TILT in 2016 and 2017, exploring themes of transformation, leadership, boundaries and the unknown. I directed the first online conference hosted by TILT from South Africa in 2021. I directed the first and second online GRC, exploring ancestral meaning systems as they impact leadership and authority in 2023 and 2024 (Interest Group for System Psychodynamics in Organisations, SIOPSA).
教授:工业与组织心理学系教授;项目经理: 咨询心理学博士(南非大学)。曾在波士顿、芝加哥和纽约(AK 莱斯研究所)的国际团体关系会议(GRCs)、莱斯特会议(英国塔维斯托克研究所;2015 年和 2016 年)以及荷兰担任顾问。2002 年到 2014 年,一直担任 “罗本岛多样性体验”(RIDE)的负责人。2000年至2014年,是联合国国际学生协会(UNISA)团体关系讲习班的工作人员,并担任研究主任(2010-2012年)。2016 年和 2017 年,是TILT 主办的团体关系研讨会的顾问人员之一,探讨了转型、领导力、边界和未知等主题。指导了 2021 年由南非 TILT 主办的首次在线会议。2023 年和 2024 年,指导了第一届和第二届在线全球资源中心,探索祖先意义系统对领导力和权威的影响(组织中的系统心理动力学兴趣小组,SIOPSA)。
Betsy Hasegawa
Betsy Hasegawa (she/her); Ainu First People of Japan; Ed.D.; Pacific Northwest currently, born/raised in Chicago. Betsy’s work has been to build community, develop leadership, and promote healing as part of a process to grow emergent organizations. Betsy was raised in an intentional community and understands group membership as a winding pathway to co-create something so much bigger than the individuals involved. Betsy is a Fellow of the AK Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems, a Co-creator with Group Relations International, and a member of GREX - An Organization for the Study of Authority, Leadership, and Group Dynamics.
长谷川·贝琪(她/她),日本阿伊努第一民族,教育博士,目前生活在太平洋西北地区,在芝加哥出生并长大。贝琪的工作一直是建立社区,发展领导力,并促进康复,作为发展新兴组织过程的一部分。贝琪在一个有意识的社区长大,她将团体成员身份理解为一条曲折的道路,可以共同创造比所涉及的个人更大的东西。贝琪是AK Rice社会系统研究所的研究员,也是国际团体关系组织的联合创始人,也是GREX——权威、领导力和团体动态研究组织的成员。
Lihua Yang
Certificated psychotherapist. Translator. Translated Irvin Yalom’s memoir “Becoming myself”, Karen Horney’s “Our inner conflicts” and many other books in the field of psychotherapy. Worked as an interpreter at various psychological conferences and workshops. Trained in a systemic psychoanalytic psychotherapy program. From 2017, worked as the interpreter in many GRCs in China, and also participated twice as a member in GRC. Trained as the small group consaltant, and large group consultant in 2023.
Maggie Mu牟希文毕业于美国雪城大学电影制作艺术学硕士,于2015-2019年曾担任多个公益基金的理事长,于2018年接触到塔维斯托克式团体关系会议,多次以成员,翻译,受训顾问角色参与国内外GRC会议。目前致力于荣格流派心理治疗的探索。
Maggie Mu graduated with a Master of Fine Art degree in Film Making from Syracuse University in the United States. From 2015 to 2019, she served as the chairman of multiple NGO funds. In 2018, she was involved in Tavistock style group relationship conference and participated in domestic and international GRC conferences as a member, interpreter, and training consultant. Currently dedicated to exploring Jungian psychotherapy.
Zengqiang Ma
Psychodynamic consultant in individual practice
National second-level psychological consultant, first-class marriage and family consultant
Wuhan University People's Hospital psychological consultant
Huazhong University of Science and Technology psychological consultant
Hubei Province radio station resident psychological guest
Since 2020, I have participated in several group relations meetings and served as a member, administrator, assistant director of administration, etc.
Cultural Interpreters
Jianshui Jin
金建水,心理学硕士,博士在读,中国心理学会注册系统注册心理师,国家二级心理咨询师,中国心理卫生协会团体专委会会员。团体关系会议(GRC)相关经历:2023,2021 & 2020团体关系会议成员;2020年团体关系课程行政助理,2021 & 2022团体关系课程行政。其他咨询受训:中美高级精神分析连续培训项目(受训中)、正念和认知行为疗法、焦点解决疗法、人际动力团体咨询等。咨询风格为以人为中心取向,整合后现代流派。关注多元文化、弱势群体、社会公正等议题。个人座右铭:行动,让社会更美好。
Jianshui Jin, Master of Psychology, currently pursuing an Ed.D, is a registered psychologist in the Chinese Psychological Society and a National Second-Level Psychological Counselor. He is also a member of the Group Committee of the Chinese Association for Mental Health. Experience with GRC: Participant in the GRCs of 2023, 2021, and 2020; Administrative Assistant for the Chinese GR course in 2020, and Administrator for the GR courses in 2021 and 2022. Additional counseling training includes the China-American Advanced Psychoanalytic Training Program (currently in training), Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, and Interpersonal Dynamics Group Counseling. His counseling style is person-centered, incorporating postmodern approaches. He is dedicated to issues of multiculturalism, the welfare of disadvantaged groups, and social justice. His personal motto is "Action makes society better".
Li Cheng
Master of Psychiatry, China Medical University; Bachelor of Clinical Medicine, Guangdong Medical University. He has been trained in psychodynamic psychotherapy for one year.
Group Relations Conference related experience: member of 2023 China and the World Group Relations Conference.
王鹿 硕士
Lu Wang, M.Ed
教育心理学硕士,毕业于德州大学奥斯汀分校,并现任美国牙医教育协会高级教育数据分析师。曾在新东方教育科技集团担任产品推广及企业内训工作长达10 年。对于团体关系在企业管理以及个人发展方面的影响感兴趣。
Lu Wang earned his Master of Education in Educational Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin in 2021. Presently, he serves as a Senior Education Data Analyst at the American Dental Education Association. Prior to this role, he spent a decade at New Oriental Education & Technology Group, specializing in product promotion and corporate training. He holds a keen interest in exploring the influence of group relations on organizational management and personal development.
Qianlin Zhao
MTI (Master of Translation and Interpreting) from Beijing Language and Culture University, BTI (Bachelor of Translation and Interpreting) and Dual Bachelor’s Degree in Finance and Economics from Beijing Language and Culture University, English TEM-8.
徐維廷 碩士
WEI TING HSU is a counseling psychologist practicing in Taipei, Taiwan. Working as a university counselor at Taipei Medical University and sees clients privately. He started participating in GR world since 2018 and has been cultural interpreter for three conferences across China and Taiwan, ADA for one Taiwanese conference, consultant in training and member in 2024 San Diego on-site Conference and member in 2023 Israeli online conference. He now serves as a member of Taiwan Group Relations group, devoted to promoting GR in Taiwan and the identity of Taiwan in the international context.
Yao Cheng
Master, lecturer; Music Therapist; National second-level psychotherapist; Music Imagary Therapist (MI); Member of Liaoning Rehabilitation Association Psychological Rehabilitation Association; Participated as a member in the 2021 Wuhan Online Group Relations Conference and the 2022 China and the World Group Relations Conference, Participated as culture interpreter in the 2023 China and the World Group Relations Conference.
Yifei Wang
Graduated from Beijing Language and Culture University with a bachelor's degree in Translation and Interpretation(Chinese, English and French)
Graduation thesis studied the Foreignization interpreting strategy in psychoanalytic/psychological activities
2018-2014 actively worked in GRC
2024年8月31日, 星期六,早上7点
Last date for early bird registration: 7am Saturday, 31 August 2024
Last date for registration: 7am Saturday, 21 September 2024
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2024.09.01 - 2024.09.21
¥3300 / $460
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¥2850 / $400
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¥3100 / $430
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